Sunday, April 8, 2012

My post-workout meal

A great balance of carbs and protein with added kick of calcium and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids from kale.  Key ingredients for muscle repair!  This dish is so fast to make and gives you approximately 20-25 grams of protein.
So I've been doing a lot of weight lifting with my workout and have begun to notice that I may be needing a little more protein in my macro diet.  Big signs were my recovery time and of course the constant sore muscles and dizziness :S  So I decided to increase my tofu intake to 3 times a week.  I usually fall back on beans as my protein source, but sprouted tofu has so much more protein and it makes a great post-workout recovery meal.  Here's what i've been eating after hard weight training days:

Whole grain porridge with gomashio tofu and kale
  1. Cook a mixture of 1/2 cup brown rice and 1/4 cup red bhutanese rice in the rice cooker on the porridge setting.  After porridge is cooked transfer to a pot, mix in 1-1/5 cups of finely chopped kale, and bring to a bowl.  Simmer for 10 mins.
  2. For the tofu you can either use sesame oil or water (what I did) to fry the tofu.  Slice tofu into 1/2-3/4 inch slices, sprinkle with homemade gomashio on one side each and fry in pan both sides until brown.  If using water, be sure to keep adding water until cooked.
  3. Transfer porridge to bowl, place gomashio crusted tofu on top, and garnish with sauerkraut.
If you have a choice, go with the sprouted tofu.  It gives you a lot more protein and I really like the firmness and texture.  I use Trader Joe's sprouted tofu, it's organic and conveniently comes in a twin pack!  There's 5 servings in each individual twin container with 9 grams of protein per serving.  Awesome choice for muscle building ;)

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