Friday, June 29, 2012

Natural sunny summer must-haves

Macrobiotics is all about helping your body adjust to the seasons.  While you need to do it internally by eating macro foods appropriate to the seasons, it's important to do it externally.  This includes soaking up the sun!  Here are a few natural products that I've been using to help me through the warm summer weather.
Th best sunscreen I've come across is Sun Shield from MyChelle (thank you Karly for the recommendation!).  This lovely little shield is cruelty-free, gluten-free, vegan friendly, and comes in a recyclable container.  Can you get any more environmentally friendly than that?  Full spectrum UVA/UVB protection is covered in this little bottle by ZinClear while Titanium Dioxide shields the skin from UV exposure.  What I love the most about this is that it is not oily at all.  It absorbs into the skin well and is so light that you don't even feel like you're wearing it.  I usually put about a dime size amount on my face in the morning, let it absorb into the skin for 15-30 mins., and then apply my makeup over it (my mineral powder also has SPF15 so added protection! Expect a future post on ISUN cosmetics).

Don't forget sun protection for your lips!  I am a huge fan of Hurraw because it's an all vegan cruelty-free raw lip balm that comes in many yummy flavors.  They made one especially for sun protection with SPF15.  Like the MyChelle Sun Shield, this also blocks UVA/UVB rays but this time with Zinc Oxide.  It sits on top of your lips actually creating a barrier to deflect the rays from the skin.  They also made this Hurraw balm extra thick and creamy for long-lasting protection.  

I love to use Weleda's Sea Buckthorn body lotion.  Sea Buckthorn helps stimulate the skins vital processes with essential fatty acids that nourishes dry skin.  This is especially great for summer because its kernel oil and juice helps protect the skin from UV radiation and free-radical damage associated with aging.  I love using this in the morning after I do my daily body scrub before I leave the house.  This helps my skin prep for sun exposure and the uplifting smell wakes me up in the morning.

Say hi to my aloe vera plant "Bob" :D
The most natural and #1 thing that I think you should DEFINITELY get for summer is aloe vera.  The plant is not only a remedy for minor skin burns and treatment for skin irritations such as eczema, but holds many cosmetic benefits as well.  Its antioxidant content tones and nourishes the skin by increasing collagen and decreasing the appearances of fine lines, while it's anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties treats acne.  I've been putting the gel on my face every night for 2 weeks now and I can feel and see a difference.  My pores look smaller, skin feels tighter, acne scarring faded, and have not had any breakouts since.  Although you can buy aloe vera in a bottle beware of parabens.  If you can, try and get the actual plant.  It lasts a long time and nothing beats fresh aloe.  What I do is cut a whole leaf (use the outer outgrown ones) as close as I can to the base, slice off 1 inch of the leaf, tear the leaf in half so the gel is exposed, then I rub the gel on my face, neck, and outer hands.  If you squeeze/puncture the gel part of the slivered piece you'll see that it'll give you more aloe.  Just store the rest of the leaf with saran wrap in a ziploc bag and place in the fridge.  It lasts a long time and cool aloe from storing it in the fridge is so soothing.  Immediately you'll feel your skin tighten once it absorbs your skin ;)

Get out and enjoy the sun!  Feel happy and uplifted :D


  1. LOVE the products, thanks for introducing them to me :)

    1. Welcome Jo! Will post up more summer products later ;)
