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I was in the middle of bustling downtown Honolulu and decided to enact a little macro reflection into my lunch break :) |
In addition to changing your food, macrobiotics encourages people to make lifestyle and environmental changes. Macrobiotic way of life suggestions include:
- Develop a positive, optimistic attitude and visualize yourself the way you want to feel and be.
- Focus on your health and healing rather than your condition or disease.
- Cultivate an appreciation for everything you have, counting your blessings. Make the best of your present situation, while learning how to change your life for the better.
- Ask for support from your family and friends, as it is vitally important. Request assistance.
- Cook with a gas stove. Use a portable gas stove if necessary. Avoid electric or microwave cooking.
- Sing a happy song each day!
- Create peaceful and pleasant mealtimes.
- Finish eating dinner and all solid foods three hours before bedtime. Avoid lying down right after eating.
- Give thanks before and after each meal, remembering how fortunate you are to have this food and knowledge.
- Chewing very well is essential for proper assimilation to maximize energy and healing.
- Try to wear items closest to your body (underwear) and dress your bed with 100% organic cotton.
- Avoid placing electric appliances (clock, radio, ceiling fan) above or around your bed.
- Stimulate your body daily with a hot towel body scrub, or at least massage your face, hands, and feet twice a day.
- Spend at least one hour outdoors daily, ideally two or three hours, avoiding the noon sun (10:00 am -2:00 pm).
- Several times a week, exercise moderately to the point of perspiring, as you dance, bicycle, garden, or perform any enjoyable activity.
- Take a daily walk outdoors at leas 5-10 minutes before breakfast and 20-30 minutes after evening dinner, preferably after each meal. When walking, breathe 3-5 steps inhaling and 3-5 steps exhaling, as comfortable.
- Communicate frequently with your parents, family, teachers, and friends, sharing your knowledge, experiences, and feelings.
- Go to bed early (ideally 10:30 pm) and rise early (ideally 6:30 am or at sunrise.)
- Put order in your home, car, and office by cleaning and organizing each area.
- Open up your house daily at least one half hour, to allow fresh air inside and stale air outdoors. Keep windows open whenever appropriate, while maintaining a pleasant temperature.
- Place live, green plants in each living area to enrich the oxygen content of your home.
- Avoid cosmetics and body care products that contain sugar, chemicals, heavy perfumes, or animal products.
- Use organic fertilizers and pesticides in your yard. Eat organic foods.
- Minimize television and computer viewing.
- Remove fluorescent lights from your home or office and replace them with "full spectrum" and energy efficient lights.
- Discover and utilize your talents and find a life-work that brings you satisfaction and joy!
- Love yourself!
I know this is selfish to say but I wish you'd post more/daily. Even if it's just what you were eating/your favourite legume/vegetable/grain/soup/oil/dessert/breakfast/lunch/dinner or what changes you have experienced through macrobiotic eating..
DeleteI definitely take your comment as compliment! Thank you for wanting to hear more from me on my blog :) Unfortunately, because this is my last semester in my program and I am a full time student I can only really dedicate weekly posts at the moment :( I really had to think hard about this and decide between quantity or quality. I decided that I wanted each post to be well thought out as a guide instead of a journal. I really gather my information throughout the week really looking through all of my macro books and making sure that the info that I give you guys is correct and and up to date. Therefore I break my blog up into several components: macro lifestyle/interesting finds, recipes, reviews of restaurants and products, and lastly any special meals that I experienced during a special occasion. Because the macro experience is really tailored to each individual I find these components to be the most helpful in your journey to build around. I really do wish I could post more and I definitely do when I have a break in my academic calendar. However I am very open to any questions that you may have! :D Please comment or email me personally! I am very grateful to have you reading my blog thank you so much!