Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Miso Happy

Mugi miso is the best type of miso to use daily.  
Miso is a macrobiotic staple.  It is a protein-rich soybean paste made from ingredients such as soybeans, barley, and brown or white rice.  Miso is used in soup stocks and as a seasoning.  When consumed on a regular basis, it aids circulation and digestion.  Mugi miso is made from barley, soybeans, and sea salt, is fermented for about 18-24 months, and is the best type of miso for daily use.  Try consuming miso soup once or twice a day.  It's very medicinal and one of the few sources of protein in the macro diet.  Also beware of miso soup in regular japanese restaurants because they most likely use a fish broth or add bonito flakes to it.  

Miso Soup

1. Soak some wakame ( 1/4 to 1/2 inch piece per person) in cold water for about five minutes and cut it into small pieces.

2. Add soaked wakame to fresh, cold water and bring to boil. 

3. Dilute miso ( 1/2 - 1 level teaspoon per cup of broth) in a little water, add to soup, and simmer for three to four minutes on a low flame, do not bring the soup to a boil once the miso has been added.  Garnish the soup with small amounts of finely chopped fresh parsley or scallions before serving.

*You may also cook veggies in the soup such as shiitake mushrooms, kale, collards, watercress, carrots, ontions, etc.  Occasional use of leftover grains or beans may be added as well to thicken the soup, as well as sliced tofu or mochi.  But be sure once again to not boil the miso, this will kill the medicinal properties of the miso.

Miso Squash Soup

1. Boil 5 cups of water.  Add 1 medium onion (cut in to half-moons, about 1 cup) and 2 cups of cubed acorn squash cut into 1-inch chunks.  Cover and simmer at medium-low for several minutes.

2.  Add 1/2 cup sliced wakame (washed and soaked) and simmer for 2-3 mins.

3.  Reduce flame to very low and add 4-5 tsp pureed miso.  Garnish with chopped scallions and serve.

Miso Pickles

1. Wash a variety of root vegetables under water, scrubbing with vegetable brush.  Let sit whole in a cool shady place for about a day, or until soften so that you can bend it in a curve.

2.  Cut into medium-thick diagnoal slices and place in a jar of miso so it's completely covered.  Pickling should be done in 3-7 days.  Rinse before serving and take only small amounts.

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